The way to Guyiang
Pump tracks are fun, promote social interaction and, finally, promote the health of the people who ride on them. Now numerous new pump tracks are to be constructed in China. After having built many pump tracks in Europe, it is now time to bring the know-how gained to the most populous country in the world.
In the last two years, many preparations have been made to make the German-Chinese innovation project "Kahrs Pump Track Industries & Business Park" possible. For the project implementation in Guiyang, not only political hurdles had to be overcome. Due to the restrictions caused by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, some additional efforts had to be made to complete the project successfully.
But then the time had finally come. The GTC, AHK and WPTA helped a team of experts under German leadership to get to China in these difficult times. Despite a standstill in international air traffic, one of the 14 charter flights organised by the AHK could be used. On 19.08.2020, the team started its journey from Frankfurt Airport. After the group had completed the 14-day quarantine, the experts were finally able to fly to their destination, Guiyang.